Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Fife & Drum Muster {Wordless Wednesday 6/22}

Actually, this is the parade before the Fife and Drum Muster. We missed the "Muster" part due to a lovely tantrum that was MUCH louder than the fifes, drums, muskets, and cannons. I'm instituting the "If you flip out and have a tantrum because you must hold my hand across the street, we're going home - N.O.W." method of parenting right now. Not a lot of fun since Little Guy is working on the "I'm a Big Boy and can do everything all by myself and I don't need to hold your hand ever again and, by the way, you can go home if you'd like because I can take care of myself" method of toddlerhood. The two methods just don't go together...

"Yeah, I'm here. I'm not going to have fun, but you can't say I didn't participate in this family activity. When is this thing over, anyway?"

Waiting for the "marching men."

Of course, no parade is complete until the police car rolls by!


Ms. Latina said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

HA! I remember those tantrum days well. Thankfully they subside!

Happy WW! Looks like it was a fab parade :)

One Rich Mother said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

So question. Which one was having the tantrum? ; )
The bottom pic looks like your oldest perked up before the parade was over though. That makes me happy. <3

Rhonda Albom said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I love small town parades! Happy Wordless Wednesday. Please stop by and see mine.

Bernie said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

It looks like it all worked out in the end. Good for you for holding strong with him.
Love how cool your older one looks. "Ya, I'm here, but its not a family thing. Got it?!"