Saturday, August 13, 2011

Fun Outside Before Nap Time

We've had some truly beautiful weather the last few days. Really - it's been around 80°F, partly cloudy, nice and breezy... just perfect for hanging around outside. We've been going for long walks, heading to the park to play, having picnics by the river, gardening... just everything you could imagine. However, when it gets close to nap time, I don't like to be too far from home. If Little Guy is late on his nap, all hell breaks loose in the form of screaming and kicking tantrums over things like waiting to cross the street because a car is coming. He just completely loses it when he's tired. I also don't want him getting too messy (gardening) because that means he'll have to get cleaned up before he heads to bed. Quick showers do not exist in his world. He loves showering and will stay in there for however long we'll let him. Quick rinses lead to the same kicking and screaming tantrums as the over-tiredness does. SO, what do we do when the weather's beautiful and nap time is near?

We "Build" Roads!
I grab a book or some sewing, he grabs ten cars, and we head out to the patio. We draw the roads, train tracks, grass, and water. It takes no more than ten minutes to do the drawing. Sometimes, we find some sticks, stones, grass, etc. and add make buildings, fields, etc. It all depends on how much time we have. Once the roads are finished, I can sit back and enjoy being outside. Little Guy spends some down-time with his vehicles. And, we don't miss one second of the weather!

He's got John Lennon playing through the headphones. We have a playlist on my MP3 for his sleepy-time music. It's so funny to hear him belt out a line or two now and then!
Had to add some dirt for the digger trucks!
What do you do for some quiet fun outside before nap time?
I'd love some more ideas!


OneMommy said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

What a great idea! I never thought of building my son roads for his cars with sidewalk chalk! He loves to play cars, and sidewalk chalk - perfect mix!
We have the same problem about going outside and needing nap to be on time... I try to take them outside for a quick picnic lunch and let them look for bugs or just explore around the house/play with chalk before we go in for nap time. I guess I'm looking for some other ideas, too, so I can't wait to see what other people say!

So glad someone I follow tweeted this - Following you now on Networked Blogs!

Momma Jorje said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Love the chalk play mat! Unfortunately, I have no suggestions. We haven't been able to get out most days.

Jen Crum said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Our naptime is always immediately after lunch, no outside time between the 2... we do have lots of play time outside before lunch, but it's free play with a lot of climbing, running, rolling, etc

Charise @ I Thought I Knew Mama said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Fun idea!

Amanda @ Gratefully Growing in Grace said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Great idea. We like to take a short walk to a nearby place with lots of wildflowers and look at them. Or we sit on the step and watch traffic. ;)

Bernie said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

When I was a Nanny, I had a few outdoor things we would do.
We would get out the trikes or big wheels and wash them. They needed to be clean before they took a "nap"
I would give them a bucket full of water and a paint brush and we would, "paint" the garage, the sidewalk, and stuff like that.
I would hide some toys in a tub of sand and we would find them and then make up stories about them.
That's all I have for now.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Oh, man! I *completely* forgot about "painting" things with water!!! We're doing this TOMORROW!!!
You're a lifesaver, Bernie! <3