From my Facebook Page:
Monroe County Courthouse |
Went to tell hubby we were leaving and snapped this. I had the camera on the wrong setting and this is what happened - kinda cool! |
Me: "Get back here! It's dark and I can't see you!" I snapped the pic just so I could use the flash to locate him. |
Our town's Christmas tree. :/ They lopped the top off a couple of years ago... I don't know why. |
"Stick 'em up!" |
Kids playing in the stage at Loranger Square. I love the metalwork of the lotus leaves & flower on this! |
I stopped taking pictures after this. When we left on our little expedition, I had visions of photos with: faces in awe of the decorated homes, my guys all holding hands and enjoying the walk, the kids screwing around with each other. Nope.
The cookies and hot cocoa afterward were a hit, so at least we had that as a happy note to end on!
I'm really hoping that we'll have more fun next year...
Sounds like a great adventure, hopefully they'll be more on board next year! I imagine with a teenager it's hard. You'll be making great memories they'll appreciate one day!
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