My biggest concern of all of the above reasons for eliminating him from the holiday season is the first - I do not lie to my children. That is, I don't lie to them, with this one exception! Santa is magical, he's a giving person who wants to spread joy. Why wouldn't I want my children to feel that magic once a year? "But what about when they find out it was all a lie?", you ask? Here's how it worked for me, and how I went about this with my oldest: When I started doubting the whole Santa thing, my dad took me aside and explained that he was really Jolly Old St. Nick. A slight shock, but I was OK. Then, he enlisted my help. Now that I was grown up enough to know the secret that little kids didn't know, I was an elf (when I had kids of my own, I got to climb the ladder to "Santa" status.) So, from then on, I got to join in on helping my brother and sister write letters to Santa, I got to help choose the gifts for them from Santa, I got to stay up late and help my dad arrange the gifts under the tree on Christmas Eve. My oldest loves having these special privileges, too.
So, do you remember the photo I posted a couple of days ago, asking if you could figure out why Little Guy was so amazed and my teen was giving me an actual smile... for the camera?
Here's the wonderful Holiday story:
Little Guy and I wrote a letter to Santa as our Dec. 1st activity from our Christmas Countdown/Advent calendar. He dictated a short letter to me, then we cut out pictures of toys he liked from the Black Friday ads we'd been saving. Being three, he wanted everything. So, we spent a good hour cutting things out. Then, we weeded it down to 1 page's worth of toy pictures and we glued them all onto the letter. As I folded up his letter, he said, "No, Mama! Don't close it all up! I need to make a picture!!!" Whenever we send his grandmas anything, we always include a freshly-drawn picture, so why not one for Santa, too? I traced his hand with a marker, then he colored it in and added a couple of stickers. I added it to the envelope, sealed it up... and didn't know what to write for the addressee.
Google was no help. I man, there were nearly 2 million hits for "Santa's address", but I was hoping to find one where we might be able to get some kind of response - even a form letter. I went from site to site for nearly an hour and finally gave up. I did the next thing I always do when I need to find something online and just can't:
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How COOL is this??? |
Before she even received the letter, Bernie asked if she could include a small gift for him and what might be appropriate. I suggested some stickers or, if she meant a package, she could probably find a die cast car for a buck. Then, STILL before she got the letter, she (or maybe her husband, Roy) came up with the idea to send him a stamp with his name on it. He LOVES stamps! And, what about one for my oldest, too? Um... OK! THEN, she emailed and asked if the kids could have candy canes. She said that Roy insisted that Santa always sends candy canes, but she wanted to make sure I was cool with the candy part. Well, Santa and candy canes go together like milk and cookies, right? Of course he sends candy canes!
This is what arrived from Santa on Wednesday! Now, the mail gets delivered early here, so it had to sit here ALL DAY, waiting for my oldest to get home from school before we could open it. I really, really, really wanted to see what was inside. Try as I might, I just couldn't figure out how I might just peel back a corner to have a peek inside!

The very first thing in the box was a "Santa's Nice List Certificate" with Little Guy's name on it. He was so happy to know that he was on that list! He'd been watching the Dora the Explorer Christmas special where Swiper gets put on Santa's naughty list and has been wondering about himself. (He's not been easy to live with lately!) I haven't used the old, "Santa's elves are watching you!" threat, but I sure have been tempted!
Next, he was just thrilled to pull out Artie the Elf's very own, real live ELF HAT! My oldest told him to make a face like one of Santa's elves for the picture and this is his interpretation:

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Bernie & Roy even thought to add an extra bottle of ink for the boys! |

A real, framed AND autographed photo of Santa!!! I could have knocked him down with a feather when he saw this. Every morning, now, he wakes up and goes to his Santa picture and says hello. I'm wondering if Santa's picture will be spending his off-time in a box with all of our other Christmas decorations, or hanging on our living room wall year-round. (Actually, I think I know the answer. I'll be seeing Santa in July!)
What a great letter - I love how all of the crafting we've been doing is mentioned! |

We added Little Guy's certificate and letter to our "Tree Wall" and his Santa photo is sitting right on his little red table. (Psst... check out my next post later on today to see what we did with this photo... There's a giveaway involved!)
I really want to thank Bernie and Roy
for helping to make Little Guy's first
"real" Christmas all the more magical.
Never, in my wildest dreams, would I have imagined
such a wonderful reply from Santa.
We'd all like to send you our gratitude and wishes for a very wonderful holiday and very happy new year to both of you!
*I like to think that I'm pretty creative when it comes to cool things for kids. But I'd NEVER have thought of a simple personalized stamp as being one of them. I'm doubly amazed that both my 3 y.o. and my 13 y.o. are equally thrilled to have their very own stamps. If you're thinking that a stamp like the ones that Bernie & Roy sent my kids, check out their online store: Rubber Stamp Shop. Hey - there's even have a secret section on the site with jokes! Ok, it's not secret, but it did take me a while to come across it.
That is amazing. Seriously- Bernie you rock and I don't even know you!
We believe in Santa here. When I grew up and realized that the Santa I thought had existed wasn't totally accurate- my mom told me that when you get to be a grown up, it's your job to be a Santa. And that being a Santa means you are kind to everyone, you do self-less things all year round and that giving is always more important than receiving. And I have carried that with me since. Every Christmas my priority is giving to every group I see collecting for a specific mission, I give to the Salvation Army every time I go to the store, and I do my best to do special gifts for those I know who are in real need of just some groceries or something. now that Olivia is 6 I feel like we're getting to the point where she'll have questions and I'm ready for her.
Oh, what fun to "hear" the story of them opening the box! I'm so glad they were pleased. Thank you for plugging our shop too. That was very nice of you!! I'm going to share this on my blog and Facebook tomorrow. We are both thrilled that the boys enjoyed their Santa package. We are just as excited to make it!
Sara, *blsh* Not really. But thanks. We just don't have kids and our nieces and nephew are too old for this stuff. So it was fun to be able to do this.
Bernie loved doing this, every morning she would tell me the fun stuff she found or did for the box. I am so glad the boys liked the box from Santa!! Bernie is always doing something nice for others, she is a wonderful friend, even to folks she has never met. :) Merry Christmas to all of you!!!
Aren't Bernie and Mr. Bernie the best? What a wonderful story of giving and fostering the spirit of Christmas in our children. Thanks for posting it.
If i didn't know better, I'd worry that Bernie and Mr. Bernie would get big heads from all the recent good deeds that have been talked about. But, they are just genuinely good people who want to make people happy. This was great!
I am not at all surprised by Bernie and Roy's gift. They are giving like that. Awhile back Bernie sent me an animal cake decorating book from the 1960s because I had written about it on my blog. I remembered this booklet from my childhood and wished I had it.
Then, one day, a package shows up from Bernie, with that booklet and a homemade card. And I cried.
Bernie knows exactly how to touch your heart. She's a gem.
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