Friday, February 4, 2011

Any Business-Savvy Crafters Out There? I Have an Idea for You...

I love crafting with my kids. Nearly every day, we are doing something that involves paint, construction paper, glue, and/or pipe cleaners. Last week, I noticed that craft supplies are dangerously low. I went to, eBay, etc. to look for a single collection of basic supplies. The only things I can find are from Alex, and the reviews are telling me that the price is WAY too high for what you get.
I'd love to find someone who is an artist, WAHM, Etsy-type of person who sells a nice collection of the type of craft supplies that kids use most. Here's a list of things I'd love to have in a kit for my toddler and 12-year-old:
  • Pipe cleaners
  • Glue-on rhinestones
  • Paper - different colors/textures (craft paper, tissue paper, construction paper, handmade paper, etc.)
  • Glue - small bottle of craft glue, stick glue
  • Stickers - maybe a few for each season and the holidays that go with the seasons
  • Sequins
  • Glitter and/or Glitter glue
  • Pom-poms
  • Beads of various colors and sizes
  • Feathers
  • A few sheets of foam in different colors
  • Blank cards and envelopes
  • Colored sand
  • Various types & lengths of ribbon
  • Fabric swatches
  • Tape (double-sided, masking, Scotch)
  • Ruler
  • Paper fasteners (I can't remember what they're called!)
  • Wiggly eyes of different sizes
  • Buttons of various colors and sizes
  • Clothes pins
  • Heavy thread or lightweight wire for beads
  • Little springs, wooden shapes, nuts, bolts, etc
I'm not suggesting a kit with all of these in it. And I'm sure I've managed to miss some very important supplies. Maybe a starter kit for parents of toddlers, a "stock-up" kit with those items that tend to get used up quickly, and an "Ultimate" kit, filled with a little of everything. Perhaps even a personalized kit, where people can choose five items, or so,  for a flat price? How cool would THAT be?

If anyone takes this idea and uses it, please let me know. I'll be ordering and I'll write up a post. If you see I've missed any items, add them in a comment. I'm sure that someone out there would be interested in doing this!


Multi-Testing Mommy said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates wheels are spinning....

brads are what the paper fasteners are called!

I'd be curious to know what you use springs for!

I'm actually in the process of thinking about a home based business right now...can't share any details right now...

Problem with that kit is the shipping costs due to the size!

SJ @ Homemaker On A Dime said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I love crafting, too! My kids seem to take after me, LOL! I'm your 92nd follower and I'd love a follow back :)

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