Friday, January 20, 2012

Just Want to Let You Know...

I will be working with a couple of advertising companies in the future. I don't really like just writing ad posts, but we really need the money, you know? I have the option to accept or decline which things I post about, so I will make sure to only post about those items that I have looked into. I will always post something along the lines of, "This was a sponsored post..." at the bottom so you know which ones I have been (or will be) compensated for writing.

I do not plan to switch over to a sponsored-post all of the time, original posts sometimes blog. I am planning to post these, review posts, and giveaway posts on Saturdays only. That way, those who read for content only can skip on by on that day. And, those who like to enter giveaways and learn about new products can make a point to head over to see what I have to say about these products on Saturday.

SO, please don't get the wrong idea. I just have a good opportunity to make a few bucks to pay some bills and I'm taking it. I will not be taken over by these posts and I will not accept every paying offer that comes my way - only the ones that I have looked at and I feel are on the up-and-up and fall into the same categories that I blog about.


Bernie said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Good for you!! If it will help you with a few sheckles to pay bills, I'm all for that!! I'm so pleased for you. Go for it girl!!

Mary said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I'm with you either way! Do what you have to do!

OneMommy said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Completely understand! We all do what we need to to make life for our family better! :)

Erin OK said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Nothing to feel guilty about. Most readers don't mind you making some cash as long as you're transparent about it. If you can make blogging pay your bills, do it!